Hiking and hunting the hills and volcanoes of Central America in the 80’s and 90’s gave Amós Rodriguez a foundation for his ancestral skills life’s practice. Growing up in the context of the U.S. financed civil war in El Salvador increased his urban and wilderness survival and awareness skills; both of which are essential for striving in our modern society.
During the post-war period, Amós assisted rural communities devastated by the violence. This experiences increased his humanism, his self identification as a native of the American Continent and highlighted the need to be an advocate for secured and regenerative communities.
In the fall of 2000, he received a scholarship to finish his Fine Arts education in in the United States. This Liberal Arts education as well as transformative travel experiences allowed him to move deeper into his connection to self, to place, and to his ancestry and community.
Amos has been perfecting his craft as a hunter and primitive skills practitioner over the years. He is a humanist, an artist and a guide. his life intention is to build a better future for the next seven generations.